Anthony T - Astrology & Tarot

A blog for my interest in and thoughts on astrology and tarot.

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Location: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Hi, this is Anthony's blog page. My passion is metaphysics and occult physiology. I live and work in Sydney.

Monday, December 31, 2007

Pluto moving into Capricorn

Hello, welcome to 2008!

A New Year, and - seemingly - the same old worries to contend with. Work, family, self, relationship. The Big 4 of life. With Pluto up there in the sky about to enter a new zodiac sign, however, things may not be as simple as all that. Because this year, on Sunday 27 January, the planet Pluto (I refuse to call Pluto a dwarf planet), will move into the tropical zodiac sign of Capricorn.

Pluto has an orbit of roughly 248 years. Therefore this will be the first time Pluto has entered the earthy goat sign since it was discovered back in 1930. Needless to say, this is a highly significant event for students of astrology.

Pluto is said to govern such operating principles as:

  • breaking down the old, in order to renew life.
  • sudden deconstruction in order to re-strengthen and reinvigorate
  • confrontation with life's "big issues" - sexuality, strong emotions, death, loss, the afterlife
Pluto's influence is not always an easy one to cope with. The key, however, is to become aware of Pluto's influence on our lives. If we can simply acknowledge the presence of Pluto working in our life, and make some effort to understand the important lesson we are being shown, we can go a long way to making his strengthening energy part of us. We can become "Plutonian"; stronger, more capable, much wiser.

The sign of Capricorn governs such areas of life as:

  • government, ruling authority
  • big business, corporate structure
  • leaders and leadership

When Pluto enters the sign of Capricorn, we can be pretty certain that all these areas are in for some deconstruction prior to them being renewed. So what I predict is that from January this year, the structures of government around the world are going to be challenged in various ways, with their very way of working having to be renewed or changed in some way.

Witness the sad events in Pakistan already, with the assassination of Mrs Benazir Bhutto. We may not witness more events like this but I believe we will certainly see big changes around the world in terms of government, authority and how these things work.

On a personal level, people with planets at 0-2 degrees of the signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, will experience big changes in the areas of life that the particular planet represents.

For myself, I have the planet Saturn lying at 2.5 degrees Cancer. While Pluto will not reach 2 degrees of Capricorn, making an opposition to my Saturn, until 2009, transits like these can usually be felt when the planet is within 1 - 2 degrees away. Already I can feel this influence coming on, and while at first it felt a little scary, with morbid thoughts and fears coming up, I now feel I can integrate these energies within, rather than having to face greater lessons coming from external sources. Having said that, it is of course, never certain when you're dealing with a powerful planet like Pluto.

And yet, I have been able to channel worry into something internal, something on a deeper level. After talking with my partner (she has Scorpio rising!) she encouraged me to accept the lessons as strengthening. And this is a key way of handling the energies of Pluto - to kind of meet them half way, to know they bring strength rather than fear and destruction. Only what is old and no longer working in my psyche will die away; what is strong can grow stronger.

While writing this I'm conscious that these are brave words, in the face of what is definitely a tough transit. I feel better, however, after having talked about my feelings (another good way of dealing with a Pluto influence!) , and I know I don't have to worry as much.

God bless, everyone, for 2008. Have a blessed and wonderful new year!


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